Stress And Disease

Damn Stress, that tension of the modern life the physical and mental Relaxation is one of our majors needs in this modern age of the speed the tension, the noise the Stress that kills is the today restlessness. But the relaxation is not something that is done to us from the outside, without an attitude of the mind reflected in the body. Stress is the nonresistance to the things that we have or they dislike to us; an acceptance of the inevitable thing, a good mental disposition to let the universe be as it is, knowing that it is good, no it matters like it seems. Therefore, the relaxation against stress is a mental shoulder shrinking, on those conditions or experiences that cannot be avoided, knowing that from some way only was well from them, since the universe in which we lived is good. owledge. The tension and the violence are enemy of the health; they upset the easy harmonious action of the creative mind. When we are in tension, when we are with stress we do work hard of the simplest tasks.

pleasant. And when we are irritated, when we are estresados, we irritate our family, to our friendly and our associates; then relations human they are rather laborious that tension it squanders our energy and shortens our lives. We know that some people who they seem to think that it is a virtue to walk all speed is that they are with stress. they go fast, hurrying and forcing, they they swallow his food and they neglect its bodies; they walk always like the laborious ponies. mental tension it registers like tension in muscular weaves and in upheavals of the digestion. The life, acting through creative mind, constructs in first place your body; and if no there is interference, will maintain your body operating calmly as long as your you need a body.