Tag Archives: energy

Managing Director

Under the motto ‘Photovoltaics to be touched’ loads Dipl.-ing. (FH) Axel Hoffmann, Managing Director of the Maifeld a solar, interested to the business offices opening in Polch. The celebrations take place in the new facilities, located centrally on the marketplace 3 Polch on Friday, the 27.02.09 from 12: 00 until 19:00 and on Saturday, the […]

Hamburg Regional Office

Energy efficiency is the buzzword of our time. In no other area, there will be such serious changes as in the transformation of our energy circuits. The FORUM was initiated by b.a.u.m. e.V. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is often mentioned in discussions such as these. m at the 16.09.10 in Gera aims to demonstrate […]

Monarchis Grundbesitz

Environmental awareness in dealing with the daily waste from Neu-Ulm with a fleet of more than 600 residential units in Germany is the subject of garbage for the dynamically growing real estate trading company Monarchis Grundbesitz company mbH is very important. Finally apply tons of waste in Germany households and the landlord sees itself quite […]