Tag Archives: motor & transport

Blue Light Seminar

Blue light seminar is a module to use driver-training usage drives by police, fire and rescue services are subject to a particularly high risk of accidents and dramatic consequences. The previous offerings such as safety training and simulator training have been supplemented by the blue light seminar a complete training program by AZ education centre. […]

Used Or Salvage Cars Sale – But Really!

New Web page of the car now online they are now Center Taunus for many car owners a real nuisance: small cards on the side window of the parked car, the prices for the purchase of the same promise. Who ever want to sell, and then selects the mentioned numbers, annoys often about too dubious […]

Santa Claus Driving Volkswagen

Volkswagen automobile Stuttgart on Christmas Tour Santa Claus gives comfort and care at the bedside for more than 19 years visited various hospitals, old people’s and nursing homes in the run-up to Christmas in a Santa Claus costume with white Wrinklies Wolfgang Kimmig love and gives the patient comfort, chocolate and attention. This custom is […]