Tag Archives: psychology

Feng Shui Bedroom: Healthy Sleep

Think about in what place you spend most of your time? People tend to answer this question 'at work' or 'in bed'. Additional information is available at Carl Jung. And indeed, we are in the bedroom for at least 6 hours out of 24. During this time, we must have time to relax and recuperate […]

Social Assistance

Children and Adolescents of street are found in traffic lights, estacionamentos and esquinas, abandoning, asking for aid to survive in way to disqualification of life, whose exactly they do not control the consequences that can occur to it, for being displayed to the crime, abuse and marginalizao. We know that this is a situation historical, […]

Divine Providence

Anger and hatred, contempt and settled and approved by the arrogance in his heart. The soul becomes dark and cold, the mind darkened, and the man goes out every submission. His goal – to keep their line, confound, impress others and prove his ‘rightness’. Here such a proud and create schisms and heresies. Beyond meat […]

Ecology Environment

Bews appeared with the new expansionista conception of a Ecology Human being who was a synthesis of all sciences human beings. In 1945, Wirth moves away from the reducionistas and expansionistas vises when ' ' it points out the Ecology Human being in limited areas of relation between diverse cincias' '. Finally, Axe (1984) speaks […]

Chief Medical Officer Office

Thus, if Chief Medical Officer Office of Medical and Social Expertise is the 1st qualification category, it belongs to 14 category, according to acting SL, before lifting them and, accordingly, with a salary of 3949 rubles. However, in Actually it turned out that the new order he was to receive a salary considerably less than […]

Psychology School

In accordance with Teixeira (2003, p.03), the pertaining to school psychologist has as function the following activities: Comments of the pupils at different moments in order to get given on the development of each child during the bimaster; supervisions biweekly with professors to argue specific aspects of definitive pupils (behavior and lack of limits, over […]


For Berger the Biossocial development all includes the growth and the changes that occur in the body of the person, beyond the factors genetic, nutricionais and of health that it the growth and changes afectam in. Being also constituent of this domain the motor abilities that say respect to a phase of it drink tie […]


The Personality is formed in a interactivo process with the life systems involve that it: the family, school, groups of pairs, work and the society. A Personality, is marked by all socialization process and that the family assumes an important role very. The type of environment also lived deeply influences the Personality. b) Personal experiences. […]