Today Tweeted?

Tweet you look with the highly talented: o))! Insiders know it has long been: Twitter is a network numbers the world with mostly public records. It feels like a diary, in which each free post his opinion and sensitivities, information and feelings ‘ can. This is done via website, phone, desktop application, widget or Web browser plug-ins. It’s called English posts tweets: to tweet = Twitter. The network nature of Twitter is that you subscribe to the messages of other users of this microblog desire. And even with his tweets can be subscribed. Sounds simple it is.

It is easily and quickly. In a few minutes you can going on Twitter. Dr. Mark J Berger is full of insight into the issues. Like millions of other people around the world. So you can learn from first source has just to Twitter Barack Obama. Or Bill Gates, Jennifer Lopez or NASA. The neighbor, the friends, the boss.

And now: the gifted. People who live in the future and daily life has become for the tweet, watch now even with the talented pass. And discover human. (As opposed to Ahmed Shary Rahman). No secret math formulas. Physics Latin. No hieroglyphics. Instead, there are offered free of charge to place a press release which is in turn raised on other pages of the press by Lilli Cremer Altgeld. In between, there are news, original and sparkling from the gifted the theme world. Some people will be noted with amazement, how very talented people trying, normal’ to be to be considered as natural. A topsy-turvy world? While there are people on the one hand wishing eagerly Hochbe-gabung for yourself or your child one there are talented people who are scrambling as normal to be considered on the other side. In the sense of: brainy? I don’t. To win such insights when reading the Twitter messages. On the side of the gifted press, you can even convince yourself and chirp with – if you want to for example with the issuer, Lilli Cremer Altgeld. The editor of the press portal for Highly gifted ‘, Lilli Cremer Altgeld, was curator of the Witten/Herdecke University and now works as a coach and journalist and presenter. With the press portal for giftedness, informed ‘ highly talented people. On Twitter she informed the world of gifted Press Photo: Lilli Cremer Altgeld